It's hard to believe I've been back in Norway about 10 days, time's been flying... Luckily it's a lot warmer this week than it was last week, its around -8 right now. Still pretty cold, but much more bearable than it was. I think I'm finally starting to get totally adjusted to the time difference, although my body decided it was time to wake up at 5:45 yesterday morning. Things have been going well and I'm happy to be back over here, it's great to be getting back into training again. I love it when my day revolves around going to practice, what more could you ask for? I'm still training with the same team and I'm pleased with the way things are going. The training is top quality and the players/coaching staff have made me very welcome. We have been training part of the time indoors and part of the time outside in the stadium. Training outside in this cold is certainly an adjustment. The field is cleared of snow before training, but the field is still very slippery, it can be like trying to play on an ice rink at times. The water bottles are frozen solid after about an hour of training! Anyways I'm really enjoying it over here so far and will keep you all posted on whats happening with me. Wanted to post a few pictures of the area I'm staying in right now, before heading off to training for the day.

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